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Longer Turn Timers#309

I’m running out of time on my turns. It feels like I don’t have enough time to perform 3 to 5 actions on 6 different minis once I get into the thick of battle

2 years ago

Variable turn timer options would be nice, maybe in 30sec increments?

2 years ago

Longer turns as the default would be brutal but I support this as an option for custom lobbies.

2 years ago

Would appreciate either longer timers, full-game timers, or action-dependent timers. Taking a game action give you a small reset or taking your turn quickly gives you extra time in the future ala magic arena/hearthstone/actual chess clock.

It’s fairly common to have 4-5 miniatures on the board with overlapping auras, activated abilities, passive abilities and the agency to execute every granular action in any order (being able to move one mini, then shoot with another, then fight with the first one, then activate the seconds’ ability etc). That level of turn complexity is cool! But it feels like there’s no room for consideration or planning, you either have to play by the seat of your pants or only have time to execute half a plan after giving it a minute of thought.

2 years ago

My opinion: Once people learn the game - I think the current timers are perfect. I think the ‘not enough time’ argument is due to it being a new game. I’ve been forced to end a turn many times now. But I think it’s a me problem not the games fault.

I think adding a timer option to custom games would be a great idea.

2 years ago

I like the idea of turn timers getting incremented slightly with every action taken, or, just increasing the turn timers as the cinder pool increases

2 years ago

Think some of this comes down to animations playing as well. When you have 7 mini’s on the board with active abilities each takes time to play the animation. There should be an option to turn off animation (quick play) or make sure the timer is paused during them.

2 years ago

When playing Astra crews there are so many micro decisions you have to make and it really feels like by the time I have even planned out my turn the clock is already counting down. Astra burn is really fun to play against the AI when I have all the time in the world to work out my combos but its impossible to play against people because of the timer.

2 years ago

Re: Queuing actions, when the game has random outcomes (to hit or to crit being the most important) you should generally wait to see the outcomes before choosing your next action. Whether you hit or not in particular vastly changes whether or not to commit another unit to attacking.

2 years ago

Did NOT know you could queue actions. How does that work? I didn’t see that in the tutorial. Did I miss that?

2 years ago

I’m going to test out variable turn timing, so we lose some time off the earlier turns and add it onto the later turns.

a year ago
Changed the status to
a year ago

We’re testing out variable turn timers now - hope to have this in all of your hands shortly.

Instead of every turn being 85 seconds, now we have it start shorter and grow a bit longer.

Each turn length, in seconds:
Turn 1: 40
Turn 2: 50
Turn 3: 60
Turn 4: 70
Turn 5: 80
Turn 6: 90
Turn 7+: 100

a year ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
a year ago

I know I’m late to this discussion but given it’s not quite in the game yet…

Ever considered doing it the way AWBW tests out timer related things? Holding a tournament with certain timer settings and then asking people how it felt? People tend to be more serious/competative if they’re playing in what they see as a tournament rather than normal matches.

Also please tell me those low numbers weren’t what you tried for the increase clock lol, it seems like you decreased the time as a response to people feeling they don’t have enough time haha.

10 months ago

As a new player this is definitely frustrating, especially when my opponent plays quickly. Like they’ll drop a unit or two, attack with them, instantly and then end their turn, and then I’ll have to waste half my turn timer reading what the units even do, and THEN I have to both plan and execute my turn in the span of like 40 seconds.

3 months ago